A Day in the Life

I woke up this morning feeling like PDiddy. I'm taking creative license in assuming that he feels like a groggy teenager who would rather stick bamboo shoots under his fingernails than go to school. Prom was generally successful, and I'm still exhausted from toting around the 10 pounds of hairspray that held my hair together for four hours. I'm working on a baby blanket that kept me up 'till midnight--that and watching House reruns--and it's a really simple basketweave pattern (k5, p5, k5, p5...50 sts for five rows and alternate for five rows and repeat to desired length) that looks precious. PS- does Ke$ha even know what Mick Jagger looks like?
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Spider Solitaire

So my mom and I decided to do a diet cleanse before prom, since the dress I'm borrowing is about two sizes too small for me. I'll need more than Crisco and fishing twine to fit into this baby. But I'm really in the mood to wear something like this. I doubt I'd have to survive on steamed cabbage and whey shakes for a week to make the hamburger dress work. Now accepting votes for my next wild knit project--I've run out of crazy ideas so it's time to ask the audience.

I have an audience, right?
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Happy Easter!

The newly released Ipad sounds a little sketchy at best. Personally, I was under the impression that Tampax and Apple teamed up to make some sort of digitized feminine hygiene product. Like I said--sketchy.

Anyway, Happy Easter. I'll be spending this holiday knitting a pale green beanie for my trip to France. Should be the same color as my Monkey Punk Rock Backpack. Not terribly exciting, but I'll be spending time with the family and working on my vegetable garden as well. I think we're going to paque eggs this year, should be fun. Joyeux Paques!
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